Forms and Documents Required for Application for Helpers from Abroad

Application Forms (ID 988A and ID 988B)

Eligibility Criteria

According to the Guidebook for the Employment of Domestic Helpers from Abroad at the Hong Kong Immigration Department Employers who wish to employ a domestic helper from abroad (Helper) have to
satisfy the following criteria:

(a) the employer is financially capable of employing a Helper. In general, for every Helper to be employed, the employer must have a household income of no less than HK$15,000 per month or asset of comparable amount to support the employment of a Helper for the whole contractual period;

(b) the Helper and the employer shall enter into a standard Employment Contract (ID407);

(c) the Helper shall only perform domestic duties for the employer as specified in the standard Employment Contract (ID407
(d) the Helper shall not take up any employment with any other person during his/her stay in Hong Kong;
(e) the employer will pay the Helper a salary that is no less than the minimum allowable wage as announced by the HKSAR Government. If no food is provided to the Helper, the agreed amount of food allowance should not be less than the applicable food allowance announced by the HKSAR Government;

(f) the Helper shall work and reside in the contractual address only 1;

(g) the employer shall provide the Helper with suitable accommodation and with reasonable privacy;

(h) the bona fides of the employer and the Helper are not in doubt;

(i) here is no known record to the detriment of the employer and the Helper; and

(j) the employer is a bona fide Hong Kong resident

 >> Points to Note for Employers on Employment of Foreign / Domestic Helpers

Additional Important Forms - Good Companion Employment Center Limited.